Books Kids

How to Raise a Wild Child

12:34 AMTita

Scott Sampson, author, museum curator and actor, plays the character Dr. Scott in the popular PBS series Dinosaur Train. In his new book, How to Raise a Wild Child, Sampson says children are losing touch with nature and it's having an adverse effect on their health.

Tips for getting children out in nature:

1. Storytelling
Storytelling is a wonderful way to convince them to be outdoors. Especially if you share stories from your own youth being outside.

2. Stop the "helicopter parenting"
Let kids have some space. Sit on the periphery, let kids run their own play and only zoom in when necessary — which shouldn't be very often.

3. Stop structuring playtime
From homework to music lessons, a child's life is already too structured. Sampson believes the one time they should have the opportunity to be free of schedules should be during playtime.

4. Lose the screen
The average kid spends 7 to 10 hours a day looking at screens and less than 7 minutes playing outdoors. That's 90% less than what their parents did when they were children.
Sampson invites you to take the 30 x 3 Nature Challenge. Commit to getting your kids out in nature for a minimum of 30 minutes 3 times a week.

5. Nature is everywhere.
Living in an apartment or industrial area should not be an excuse for parents. He says the most important thing is to make sure children don't get overly comfortable on the couch.
Don't worry about dirt and scrapes. Clothes and bodies can be washed. Cuts heal. Nature connection is a contact sport, and both kids and nature can take it."


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