"It’s Not What You’ve Got!" – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer ($3.99) by Oceanhouse Media is a book that will challenge kids to think about money, abundance and the things that are most important in life.
Money is discussed throughout the story, with the premise of the things it can and cannot do in our lives. The message is positive and will encourage kids to think about their own lives, what they want to be when they grow up and to be thankful for the many things they already have.
There are questions presented in the book that stimulate thoughts and ideas about life, abundance and money.
“#8 - There is Plenty for Everyone, including You!
There’s a word called abundance –
Have you heard it before?
It means when it comes to life’s gifts,
There are always more."
It has a great message for adults too. No one is ever too old to hear a lesson about money.
Doctor Wayne W. Dyer, the author, believes that a child’s earliest thoughts and perceptions about money and abundance are those that will stick throughout their life.
Source: Appadvice.com